
Blog 5

Introduction: We were instructed to make a brochure for our last blog post assignment. Our goal is to photograph, design a new color scheme, and apply our thoughts to our swatches. We were instructed to produce three colors with two additional tints for each and nameplates, using that color palette Inspiration: I was irritated when I originally received this assignment since I couldn't think of anything I loved well enough to utilize. In my room, I've just lately agreed on a painting. The photograph depicts Greece, and I aspire to visit there eventually. From the picture, I picked a mix of deeper and brighter tones. Swatches: After finding my inspiration, I attempted to duplicate some of the same colors as InDesign samples. To construct the colors, I had to adapt the CYMK values as closely as possible to the key colors in the design. Looking at the image and trying to duplicate it perfectly was tough, but I loved the process of modifying and generating colors from scratch.   Co

Starbucks Stars

People of all ages come to Starbucks throughout the day to purchase their favorite drinks. Maybe it's an iced coffee first thing in the morning, a latte to get you through the afternoon, or a refresher after school. No matter what you have to drink, it satisfies you, and you always come back for more.  How many times do you come to Starbucks in a day, a week, or a month? Are you rewarding yourself? If not, you are missing out on what we have to offer you. We are all busy, and customers make time out of their day to stop at one of our many Starbucks locations. One of the most outstanding promotions is Starbucks Stars. It takes a minute out of your busy day to join Starbuck Stars. Every dollar you spend with us, you will receive at least one star, if not more. It's fun and free! You can redeem your leads for a cold brew, protein box, or a coffee tumbler. We want to celebrate with you on your birthday by giving you a gift of either food, drink, or a refill. On special days we will

Blog #4

Main Theme: As I discussed in my last blog, I wanted to create a meme that everyone at HPU could relate to. I chose the template after seeing it on social media. It depicts the president of HPU Nido walking with "Parking," looking back at "New Fountains," seeming more impressed.  Healing: In my original photo, you can tell that I forgot to remove the unwanted hair near his forehead from the previous person that I placed Nido over. After removing the hair, I decided the placement of Nido's neck was not aligned correctly and needed to be fixed.  I also added white textboxes to each word to draw the audience's attention more to the text and not have it blend into the image like it was initially doing. It was helpful that all my edits were created in different layers and kept me organized throughout this project. Overall, I'm happy with the progress I made, and it was a great way to practice the new tools given.  Before  After 

The definItion of ME

Twenty-one years ago, I was given the name Samantha Boylestad. I was named after my grandfather Samuel, and people call me Sammy or Sam. I was born and raised in Scarborough, Maine, and as I got older, I knew that I would want to spend my college years in the South. I would define myself as outgoing, striving to do well, and a hard worker. I am a Junior at High Point University, and I am majoring in Strategic Communications with a minor in Political Science. I am part of a Sorority where I am learning People will ask me what I want to do with my life. I know I am on the right track, but I am still figuring it all out. I decided to major in strategic communications because it opened up many different areas that I could concentrate on.  I have always had a passion for design and fashion and keep myself updated on the newest trends and interior design. I recently thought about Real Estate and selling homes, and possibly moving to Florida after I graduate. My communication degree would be

Blog 3: Meme

  Introduction :  For this blog, I wanted to create a meme that everyone at HPU could relate to. I chose the template after seeing it on social media. It depicts the president of HPU Nido walking with "Parking," looking back at "New Fountains," seeming more impressed.  First Process:   For the first step, I imported the meme template I selected, then imported a picture of Nido and used the lasso tool to crop his head; after that, I made two layers and placed his head over the original guy in the image. Finally, I added layers for the texts to make sure they stayed organized. What I Have To do: Moving forward, I would like to change up the font and boldness of the text. I will also fix Nidos head positioning to face more towards the girl. Overall I enjoyed this assignment, and I think memes are fun and easy to catch a student's attention. 

Business Card

  September 18,2021 Intro: Business cards  show you're a professional and serious about your work . If someone asks for a card you can't produce, you'll look amateurish and unprepared to do business. This assignment gave me the freedom to create a business card that is personal and represents me.  After finding the dimensions for a standard business card in Adobe InDesign, I decided that it would be essential to have my phone number, email, college major, and most importantly, my name in bold.  Set-Up:   For the setup, I ended up manually typing in the dimension. I set the dimensions to 3.5 by 2.0 and the bleed to 0.137 and decided to do them in itches.  Aesthetic: For the design on my card, I chose a picture of a city highlighted with pink to make sure it stands out.  I chose black because it represents stability. It also works so well with pink because it balances out the vibrant energy that pink often brings to the room.  Pairing any shade of pink with black is going to

Blog #10

After watching the Ted Talk videos, I learned that less is more. It seems that the world we live in gives us very little privacy. We can’t drive without the police knowing everything about us just from our license plate. Our phones can give an incredible amount of data away, so it is essential to turn off specific phone settings to obtain information. Put as little as you can about yourself on social media, and in the long run, you will be safer.  My generation lives on their phones and takes hundreds of pictures and shares them on Facebook and Instagram. These pictures can fall into the wrong hands and can be used against you. Bad people can find you once you put yourself out there. Images that are posted of you can hinder your chances of landing a good job. No future employer wants to google your name and find racy or drunk pictures of you. Everything is shared, and nothing is private.  The government should be taking steps to protect us, not be given large data dumps about us.