Blog #10

After watching the Ted Talk videos, I learned that less is more. It seems that the world we live in gives us very little privacy. We can’t drive without the police knowing everything about us just from our license plate. Our phones can give an incredible amount of data away, so it is essential to turn off specific phone settings to obtain information. Put as little as you can about yourself on social media, and in the long run, you will be safer. 

My generation lives on their phones and takes hundreds of pictures and shares them on Facebook and Instagram. These pictures can fall into the wrong hands and can be used against you. Bad people can find you once you put yourself out there. Images that are posted of you can hinder your chances of landing a good job. No future employer wants to google your name and find racy or drunk pictures of you. Everything is shared, and nothing is private. 

The government should be taking steps to protect us, not be given large data dumps about us. The good part is that they can watch the criminals and terrorists and prevent crimes and attacks against our country. The scary part is we are being watched all the time, and we don’t even realize it.  The government should dump the data about citizens who have done nothing wrong and only keep information about criminals. Laws need to be set to protect our privacy, and regulations at the local level need to be put in place. The police do not need to be taking pictures of our license plates unless it's warranted. We need to live in a society that protects our privacy, not give our privacy away. 


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