The definItion of ME

Twenty-one years ago, I was given the name Samantha Boylestad. I was named after my grandfather Samuel, and people call me Sammy or Sam. I was born and raised in Scarborough, Maine, and as I got older, I knew that I would want to spend my college years in the South. I would define myself as outgoing, striving to do well, and a hard worker. I am a Junior at High Point University, and I am majoring in Strategic Communications with a minor in Political Science. I am part of a Sorority where I am learning

People will ask me what I want to do with my life. I know I am on the right track, but I am still figuring it all out. I decided to major in strategic communications because it opened up many different areas that I could concentrate on.  I have always had a passion for design and fashion and keep myself updated on the newest trends and interior design. I recently thought about Real Estate and selling homes, and possibly moving to Florida after I graduate. My communication degree would be an asset in this field. Along with my passion, I would bring my writing, social media, and graphic skills to help further my career. 

Five years ago, my family suffered a tragedy with my grandmother passing away. I called it a tragedy because she was an alcoholic and suffered from depression. What seemed to be a beautiful life on the outside was very different in her world. She married my grandfather at a young age and gave up her career on Broadway. She starred in the original Holly Dolly. Instead of continuing her career on Broadway, she had a family and left New York. She was never happy giving up her passion, and as the years went on, she turned to alcohol. My grandmother never went back to school and never was able to have a career for herself. It was vital for her to be her person, and she was never given that opportunity.

My grandmothers’ story taught me that it is essential to pursue your career and not give up on what you are passionate about and what makes you happy. I realized that a person would never be satisfied if they aren’t satisfied with themselves. High Point allows me to seek out what career will give me the most happiness and not just a practical choice. 


  • Strategic Communications 
  • Interior Design
  • Social Media


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