8 Values Of Free Expression


After reading over the eight values of free expression, two stand out and resonate with me, Stable Change and Individual Self-Fulfillment. Both of these free expressions connect to all social media platforms. With all the changes that  have been going on since the election people can get on any platform and express how they feel. By doing this, people feel more stable and content. Without a social media platform people’s emotions would be pent up leading to depression or venting their anger in other ways. For example, everyday when I am on instagram, or Facebook people are posting about Covid. This is one issue that has affected everyone in the world. People need a safe space to talk about their feelings. I am on social media everyday and when I see issues that I want to weigh in on, it helps me feel better about expressing my views. This is what the first amendment is all about. We are lucky that the technology today gives us the opportunity to discuss our feelings and opinions. Stable Change also means that our world is always changing and to keep things safe the government needs to watch over us. They can do this by viewing social media and seeing who is saying what. By doing this they can try to prevent something dangerous from happening. 

Self-fulfillment theory allows everyone to identify who they are or who they identify as. In psychology we studied Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. https://www.simpleypsychology.org/.  His theory was that individuals are motivated to fulfill their potential in life. There are five stages, the bottom stage is physiological needs, the second stage is safety needs, the third is feeling like you belong, the fourth is esteem needs and the last stage is self actualization, achieving one's full potential. Today many people identify with another gender and their first amendment rights allow them to talk about this. This theory connects to social media as well, particularly facebook and instagram. This is important because not only can people say what they want and how they feel but they can also post pictures of who they identify as. This is important to me because I am confident and thereby I can express myself and use social media to achieve this. This theory can also help people connect to other people who are similar and have common interests. I do this with regards to my political views. I can find people who feel the same way and this brings me closer to other people and have a personal connection. For some people this can also help  so they don’t  feel alone in the world.  To feel comfortable about who you are I feel that its is important to have your needs met. Without having your needs fulfilled it would be very difficult to express yourself and feel confident about yourself. 


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