
Showing posts from June, 2021

Blog 6

After reviewing and American conservative websites, I have learned that their first amendment rights have been taken away. Big tech companies censor traditional websites, so they cannot report news that the mainstream media are not saying. If their first amendment rights were not taken away and allowed to report the stories they want, then the left may have a different view. For example, you don’t see much about the problem at the border on mainstream media, but you will see a different story if you look at conservative websites. If you fact-check it, then you can easily find out if the rumors are real or fake. It is hard to find these websites that talk about anti-war or other issues because they don’t want people to know that they have strong feelings against the war because they have first-hand knowledge of what is going on.

Blog 5

  EOTO Amazon Kindle In 2007 Amazon launched the kindle.  A device where people could purchase books and magazines online and download them to their Kindle to read.  They no longer had to go to a bookstore or the library. When Amazon launched the Kindle, the sole purpose was to bring people books to read for enjoyment.  Their intention was not to compete with other tablets. Over the years, other electronic devices like the phone and computers have evolved with technology; for example, the phone now has a camera,  but the Kindle has remained a book but has improved with technology.  The original kindle did not have any real problems that would cause people not to read, but they didn’t make improvements to make it more appealing. The first kindle did not have touch control, so Kindle came up with a full keyboard, navigation buttons, and a design to make it helpful for people to hold in their hands. It also gave an option to hear your book, so Kindle offered a speaker and headphones. Th

Blog 4

Florida lawmakers challenge Silicon Valley over 'censorship.' Florida lawmakers challenge Silicon Valley over censorship; an article published by Independent news discusses how  Florida lawmakers are targeting Twitter, Facebook, and other tech giants over their First Amendment Rights that they feel are being violated. This article focuses on how conservatives and the Republican party no longer have the same rights on social media and are censored by these big firms. The First Amendment grants all citizens the freedom of speech or the press. It does not allow obscenity, fraud, illegal conduct, or if it incites imminent lawless actions. Since the January protest, President Trump has been banned from all social media platforms. He no longer has the same rights as other individuals because they feel that he incited the storming of the capital.   Other political conservatives have also been banned. “Florida is trying to take the virtual public square as a place where information and

8 Values Of Free Expression

  After reading over the eight values of free expression, two stand out and resonate with me, Stable Change and Individual Self-Fulfillment. Both of these free expressions connect to all social media platforms. With all the changes that  have been going on since the election people can get on any platform and express how they feel. By doing this, people feel more stable and content. Without a social media platform people’s emotions would be pent up leading to depression or venting their anger in other ways. For example, everyday when I am on instagram, or Facebook people are posting about Covid. This is one issue that has affected everyone in the world. People need a safe space to talk about their feelings. I am on social media everyday and when I see issues that I want to weigh in on, it helps me feel better about expressing my views. This is what the first amendment is all about. We are lucky that the technology today gives us the opportunity to discuss our feelings and opinions. Sta

U.S Supreme Court

  I have studied the Supreme Court and its role in my American History class. When I read about the Supreme Court, I find it excellent that they have the ultimate jurisdiction over all laws made in the United States. They keep the government in check because of the power they have to check the actions of the other two branches of government.  I learned for the first time that the Supreme Court was supposed to assemble on February 1, 1790, at the Merchants building in New York City, but because of transportation issues, some of the justices had their meeting postponed to the next day.  The Supreme Court justices were required to hold circuit court twice a year in each judicial circuit. This was a difficult task because of the limited travel they had in those days.  I was surprised to learn that The Judiciary Act of 1789, which President George Washington signed, specified that the court would be made up of six justices who would serve on the court until they died or retired. After all t

5 Top Sources

  1.)  My number one news source is Instagram. I follow certain accounts that provide and keep me up to date with recent news. I like Instagram because it's very convenient and easy to provide at any given time. 2.) My second news source is Fox News. I find Fox News reliable and unbiased because they have both political parties that give the top news stories. I find it interesting because I can learn both points of view and make A informed option. 3.)  My third news course is NPR because they are unbiased. NPR focuses on the popular news stories to keep me current about everything from covid related deaths to the U.S senate passing bills. When I go to their website, I can click on the news from the left, middle, or right, and each news story will bring me to the actual news source.  4.) My Forth source of news is E! Online. I use this new source for entertainment, fashion trends, top movies, and TV shows. It's nice to break away from the top