Blog 4

Florida lawmakers challenge Silicon Valley over 'censorship.'

Florida lawmakers challenge Silicon Valley over censorship; an article published by Independent news discusses how  Florida lawmakers are targeting Twitter, Facebook, and other tech giants over their First Amendment Rights that they feel are being violated. This article focuses on how conservatives and the Republican party no longer have the same rights on social media and are censored by these big firms. The First Amendment grants all citizens the freedom of speech or the press. It does not allow obscenity, fraud, illegal conduct, or if it incites imminent lawless actions. Since the January protest, President Trump has been banned from all social media platforms. He no longer has the same rights as other individuals because they feel that he incited the storming of the capital. 

 Other political conservatives have also been banned. “Florida is trying to take the virtual public square as a place where information and ideas can flow freely.” One proposal from Florida lawmakers would allow them to sue if they have been mistreated and authorize the state attorney general to take on the largest tech companies for anti-competitive practices. The social media companies would be required to reveal how they became aware of any content they censored. 

It is against the First Amendment Rights for private tech companies to censor what can and can not be said because of their party affiliation. The First Amendment is one of the most important amendments and should not be taken away from anyone unless illegal. If companies are allowed to infringe on free speech, then there is not an even playing field. Regardless of what party affiliation you are with, you should be allowed to reach as many audiences as you want. 


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