5 Top Sources

 1.)  My number one news source is Instagram. I follow certain accounts that provide and keep me up to date with recent news. I like Instagram because it's very convenient and easy to provide at any given time. 


2.) My second news source is Fox News. I find Fox News reliable and unbiased because they have both political parties that give the top news stories. I find it interesting because I can learn both points of view and make A informed option.


3.)  My third news course is NPR because they are unbiased. NPR focuses on the popular news stories to keep me current about everything from covid related deaths to the U.S senate passing bills. When I go to their website, I can click on the news from the left, middle, or right, and each news story will bring me to the actual news source. 


4.) My Forth source of news is E! Online. I use this new source for entertainment, fashion trends, top movies, and TV shows. It's nice to break away from the top stories and read about the options celebrities have on a particular topic.


5.) My Fifth news source I have recently begun to listen to is podcasts. I became interested in podcasts because that is my focus at my internship. I enjoy listening to podcasts because they're super convenient, and I can listen to them whenever I have downtime. I like how podcasts are a good source of information but also a source of entertainment.  



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