Blog 9 Key Post

On Line Influencer

What is an influencer? I think of an influencer as someone who convinces me to try something different, wear something different. Online influencers go one step further. They have the power to change people’s minds because they are famous and have vast online audiences. “The power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. It is important to note that these individuals are not merely marketing tools, but rather social relationship assets with which brands can collaborate to achieve their marketing objectives ”. They have created a reputation for their skilled understanding of a particular topic. Their posts techniques trends and pressure their followers to buy products that they promote. I learned about companies because they choose certain celebrities to influence the way we think so they can grow their brand. For example, Kylie Jenner is one of the top influencers for makeup because she has her brand. She is from one of the most famous families and is beautiful, so naturally, girls want to wear her makeup to look as good as her. 

I chose to blog about online influencers because I follow certain people regularly who share the latest clothing and makeup styles. They always know the latest trends and what they wear is what the masses want to wear.  I do it to keep up with the new techniques, but unfortunately, online influencers can also negatively affect people. Some young girls follow celebrities but know they can’t achieve what the stars have nor have the financial means to buy what they are promoting. This can cause a divide in society between the rich and the poor; the have and the have nots. Online influencers can negatively affect people’sKylie techniques; people can get pulled into a world that isn’t reality and create anxiety and pressure. Kim Kardashian is one of the top 10 influencers in the world and has a large following. Recently, she promoted her new diet, negatively lollipop, which is supposed to suppressed people’s appetite. Below is her post influencing her followers to buy the product. 

Young girls are obsessed with their image and what Kim Kardashian is promoting is dangerous and unfair to young women. “The truth is that people only show the sides of themselves they want the world to see, they want you to see how beautiful they look even after a breakup, how amazing their recent vacations were, and to show off their clothes that you just can’t afford”  The pressure from online influencers is too great and causes people to look negatively because we want bodies to look like them. Girls buy Kyle Jenner’s makeup to resemble her, but in the end, they will never have the outcome they are looking for. I feel that online influencers are greedy and only thinking about themselves. They have enough fame and money and don’t need to convince the average person that they should have what they are promoting and need to be aware of the negative impact. 


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