Blog 5

After watching the video, for the first time, I understood the purpose of AI  and the advancements that they are making. I never gave much thought to the simple changes that I see because of AI. I have realized that we no longer have assembly lines with human beings building cars, but for the first time, we realized the impact that it has on the people who no longer have a job. I started to think about going to the grocery store or Target, and I no longer have to wait in a long line because I can check myself out.  Computers are taking jobs away from many people. Many middle-class Americans are out of a job because of AI, and I question what all these people do to survive and put food on their table. It is scary to think that AI will continue to replace humans over the years, and finding jobs will become more complex. 

A pro to AI is the advancements in medical technology. If AI can fight cancer and other diseases, that is an area that will benefit thousands of people. It makes total sense to have artificial technology in the medical field. You are not taking jobs away from people; instead, you enhance your medical field. 

A con to artificial intelligence is feeling like you are being watched and people are listening. China watches its people with surveillance cameras and will know if someone J-walks. Watching people through cameras or through amazon echo that stores all your data feels like a breach of privacy. With artificial intelligence, your private thoughts are no longer personal. One google search can tell computers what you like. If AI can collect data on what music I listen to or what food I want to eat, I find it alarming not to know what other things they have learned. That leads to identity theft, and how secure is the information put into my computer when I buy clothing or something online? I never thought about the amount of information that a company can store about me and possibly sell that information. Nothing is private or sacred in the world we live in. Our data is being shared to help companies continue to grow and become profitable.  In some ways, I feel that artificial intelligence can benefit us, but in many ways, I feel like we no longer have any privacy, and everything we put into our computers or phones is shared. 


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