
Showing posts from July, 2021

Blog #10

After watching the Ted Talk videos, I learned that less is more. It seems that the world we live in gives us very little privacy. We can’t drive without the police knowing everything about us just from our license plate. Our phones can give an incredible amount of data away, so it is essential to turn off specific phone settings to obtain information. Put as little as you can about yourself on social media, and in the long run, you will be safer.  My generation lives on their phones and takes hundreds of pictures and shares them on Facebook and Instagram. These pictures can fall into the wrong hands and can be used against you. Bad people can find you once you put yourself out there. Images that are posted of you can hinder your chances of landing a good job. No future employer wants to google your name and find racy or drunk pictures of you. Everything is shared, and nothing is private.  The government should be taking steps to protect us, not be given large data dumps about us.

Final Post

  Technology’s relationship with Us Is the world we live in bad? Are we safe? These are the two questions that I keep thinking about after learning about the safety of our personal information. It’s the first time I have realized that our data is out there for everyone to see. Like the rest of the world, I am attached to my phone, and when I watched the Moby video, I thought it was on point because that is what we all look like. We eat, sleep and drink with our phones, and every time we google something or post a picture, that information is being stored for the government to see.  Reflecting on the advancements in technology, do the advances out weight the safety concerns. If you surveyed a hundred people on whether they would give up technology to maintain their privacy, I would guess that 100 percent would not give up their phones.   When I was in middle school, my best friend stole my mothers’ email address and used my name to open a Facebook account. My mother at the time was

Blog 9 Key Post

On Line Influencer What is an influencer? I think of an influencer as someone who convinces me to try something different, wear something different. Online influencers go one step further. They have the power to change people’s minds because they are famous and have vast online audiences. “The power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. It is important to note that these individuals are not merely marketing tools, but rather social relationship assets with which brands can collaborate to achieve their marketing objectives ”. They have created a reputation for their skilled understanding of a particular topic. Their posts techniques trends and pressure their followers to buy products that they promote. . I learned about companies because they choose certain celebrities to influence the way we think so they can grow their brand. For ex

Blog 5

After watching the video, for the first time, I understood the purpose of AI  and the advancements that they are making. I never gave much thought to the simple changes that I see because of AI. I have realized that we no longer have assembly lines with human beings building cars, but for the first time, we realized the impact that it has on the people who no longer have a job. I started to think about going to the grocery store or Target, and I no longer have to wait in a long line because I can check myself out.  Computers are taking jobs away from many people. Many middle-class Americans are out of a job because of AI, and I question what all these people do to survive and put food on their table. It is scary to think that AI will continue to replace humans over the years, and finding jobs will become more complex.  A pro to AI is the advancements in medical technology. If AI can fight cancer and other diseases, that is an area that will benefit thousands of people. It makes total s

Blog 8

     Apple Airpods The Apple air pods launched in 2016, and they caught on fast and spread very quickly with the early adopters. Anything that Apple launches, the early adopters catch on very soon because it’s Apple. Apple is a status symbol, and everyone likes to buy the latest and greatest of Apple products. The early adopters caught on quickly because of this and soon followed by the early majority. As soon as the early majority saw it, it was impossible to find any left on the shelves. The demand was high, and everyone wanted a pair, even the late adopters.  The AirPods caught on because they are an apple product, but there are many benefits to the AirPods. They are wireless, so people no longer had a wire hanging from their phone to their ears. The AirPods are a very comfortable fit for your ear, and they have excellent audio quality. Another reason why people caught on quickly is they are user-friendly. You can connect your AirPods to any apple device, and if you don’t have an Ap